Equine Insurance in Miramar, Florida

You’ve spent time training, taking care of, and most likely competing with your horse. And as a proud owner, it’s up to you to ensure its safety and well being. Since your horse represents both a financial and emotional investment, medical expenses can be costly.

Equine insurance in Miramar Florida from Mint Insurance Agency

Live to Ride

An Equine Insurance policy from Mint Insurance Agency provides coverage for a variety of costs and expenses related to the upkeep of your animal. Our policy options include:

  • Full Mortality and Theft – to insure your animals against death as a result of injury, illness, disease, humane destruction, transportation, or theft.

  • Major Medical Coverage* – to provide reimbursement for the cost of medical and surgical bills caused by accident, sickness, or disease.

  • Loss of Use – for compensation in the event your horse becomes totally and permanently unable to perform the duty for which it was insured.

  • Stallion Infertility – for coverage in the event your stallion becomes permanently incapable of producing offspring due to an accident, illness, or disease.

Finding the right coverage options for your horse doesn’t have to be difficult. At Mint Insurance Agency, one of our insurance specialists can help educate you on the different coverage options and rates available for your special animal, and together you can build the perfect policy that fits the needs of you and your horse.

*Major Medical Coverage is an addition to the Full Mortality policy and cannot be purchased alone.